SUTD Alumni Lounge is a shared facility for all alumni to meet and chill-out. It serves as a second home for our alumni while they are on SUTD campus. SUTD Alumni may book it for their private event like class gatherings, meetings, etc... Booking of the Alumni Lounge is on a first come, first served basis, and subject to its availability. All applicants must agree to the guidelines on the use of the Alumni Lounge.
The applicant is fully responsible for the safety of his/her guests, security of their personal belongs and the furniture and equipment inside the Alumni Lounge. If there are SUTD students and/or guests who are below the age of 18 years old present at the event, strictly no alcohol shall be served. Anyone found breaching this rule will be barred from future visit/booking of the Alumni Lounge.
Submit the booking application form online at least 3 full working days before the event date for evaluation and processing. Applicants will be notified via email once their application is successful.
Each and every user of the Alumni Lounge must help to keep it clean and tidy for the next user. All users of the SUTD Alumni Lounge must agree to undertake the following:
During the event:
a. To observe the guidelines on the consumption of alcoholic drinks (i.e. Strictly no alcoholic drinks shall be served if there are SUTD students and those below the age of 18 years old present at the event).
b. To drink responsibly and not get intoxicated.
c. To observe the safety of all present.
After the event:
a. Remove and put all thrash/leftover food into the black plastic bag and dispose them into the trash bin located outside the Alumni Lounge (The trash bin is located at the 2nd pillar outside of the alumni lounge)
b. Wash and clean all soiled cups/drinking glasses/plates/culinary set then place them onto the dish rack for drying
c. Clean up all food crumps on the tables/floor and wipe away any spillage on the table/floor
d. Put all furniture back to their original position
e. Switch off all the lights, air condition and TV monitor before leaving the Alumni Lounge
f. Report any breakage of cups/drinking glasses/plates to the Alumni Office via email
DBS has offered an option to apply for the DBS SUTD Alumnus Card online as an alternative to using the hardcopy application form. The URL to apply for the DBS SUTD Alumnus card is:
You are strongly encouraged to use this online application option as it helps to speed up the application process.
For any enquiries about this website, you may contact DBS hotline 1-800-111-1111 directly.
SUTD’s Alumni Groups may be known as alumni associations or clubs or societies. These are formed on the basis of common professional, industrial, pillar, geographical or other expressed areas of interests. Working in consultation with the Alumni Office, the Groups shall identify and involve graduates in their activities that are aligned and complementary to SUTD’s mission and objectives.
Here is the URL for the guidelines: Shared Folder for Alumni Groups Guidelines